
  • Exploration in Ramsey Theory, Masters Thesis, University of Northern Iowa – Spring 2020
    • Conducted research independently of known results, guided by Dr. Adrienne Stanley. Established introductory results on two-color classical Ramsey and Cycle-Complete Ramsey numbers. Determined Cycle-Complete Ramsey number for the special case of $f(C_k ,K_3 )$ for $k ≥ 3.$
  • Exploration of Counterexamples of Balanced Sets, Honors Thesis, University of Northern Iowa – Spring 2018
    • Collaborated with Dr. Adrienne Stanley in identifying and classifying sets of $ Z_p × Z_p $ spaces that do not have balanced subsets.
  • The Genetic Algorithm: Relevance Beyond Biology, Preparing for Industrial Careers (PIC) Math, University of Northern Iowa – Spring 2016
    • Gathered previous research, contributed to implementation and editing of code, and analyzed program results. Proposed a solution [a genetic algorithm] to the problem addressed [plane routing efficiency]. Built presentations for the collaborating business and an academic audience. (Support provided by the NSF and NSA through the MAA)

Computer Science

Graduate Assistantship

LSU GeauxTeach STEM

  • GeauxTeach STEM Website
    • Oversaw transition from old site to new Modern Campus site
    • Streamlined site skeleton while adding new design elements (Check it out!)
    • Launched (interviewed, transcribed, created, and reviewed with College of Science Communications and the LSU Office of Communications and University Relations) the initial rollout of Geauxing Places, an alumni blog series
  • GeauxTeach STEM Networking Liason
    • College of Engineering (Communications Team, Chevron Center for Engineering Education, Recruitment, Petroleum Engineering Dept., Computer Science Dept.)
    • College of Science (Communications Team, Biology/Chemistry/Mathematics/Physics Communications Teams, Student Services/Recruitment, Academic Innovation & Engagement, etc.)
    • University Center for Freshman Year/University Center for Advising and Counseling
    • Office of Admissions/Enrollment Management & Student Success/Office of Communications and University Relations
  • Program Advisement
    • Analyzed and drafted education pathways for all STEM majors at LSU, providing a comprehensive look at what best serves students, the program, LSU, and the state of Louisiana
    • Attended weekly GeauxTeach STEM Committee Meetings
    • Assisted in tracking progress of all GeauxTeach STEM Alternative Certification students, providing the GeauxTeach STEM program with information needed for scholarship dispersal and grant/accredidation reports
    • Rejuvinated GeauxTeach STEM Student Lair, including installation of needed materials like whiteboards and seating
    • Advised (as needed) the GeauxTeach STEM Student Organization
    • Provided general counsel based on first hand experience working with LSU entities and the surrounding community
  • Summer Marketing and Messaging Meetings (2023)
    • Guided co-directors and program manager in meeting discussions
    • Presented co-directors and program manager with experiential knowledge of student attitudes
    • Led a comprehensive state of the program presentation regarding campus and off-campus stakeholders
    • Finalized a marketing and messaging plan, which is currently being implemented
  • GeauxTeach STEM Alternative Certification
    • Liaison for the newly developed Alternative Certification pathway for both STEM and Computer Science majors
    • Independently coordinated and conducted a focus group of engineering students and their attitudes towards teaching/pursuing teaching courses and a post-bacheloreatte certification program (GeauxTeach STEM Alternative Certification Pathway)
    • Orchestrated focus groups for engineering majors and provided programmic insight as needed for John Rice with CommonSense Communications (Spring 2023) during his Marketing, Grassroots Plan, and Focus Group endeavor for GeauxTeach STEM
  • Recruitment Implementation
    • Coordinated (and often represented) GeauxTeach STEM’s presence at over 30 recruitment events per calendar year (including those put on by LSU entities)
    • Developed targeted marketing materials (based on student classification, student majors, programmatic stakeholders, state STEM intiatives, etc.)
  • Pre-Med Accelerated GeauxTeach (Secondary Education) Certification Track
    • Designed track timeline/requirements and all promotional materials
    • Implemented all information sessions, lunch marketing, and one-on-one meetings
  • GeauxTeach STEM Program Emails
    • Created recruitment emails/campaigns in fall, spring, and summer semesters
    • Designed and sent communications to students after LSU visit days and new student orientations
    • Assisted with sending the semesterly Alumni Newsletter
  • Student Worker Management
    • Managed students for staffing at recruitment events
    • Coached students on their communication skills, developing a robust elevator speech about the program and a highlight real of their own personal experiences
  • Student Advising
    • Advised all new GeauxTeach STEM Alternative Certification pathway students
    • Introduced all prospective/visiting students to the program and its requirements
    • Worked with students considering changing their education pathway at LSU to the Alternative Certification pathway